If the productivity of land decrease with a rise in water table then the land is said to be water logged. Waterlogging is the saturation of soil with water.
Causes of waterlogging
- Due to over and intense irrigation.
- Due to inadequate natural drainage.
- Seepage of water from adjoining high lands.
- Seepage of water from the canal from the upper level.
- Because of the impervious layer.
- Irregular topography.
- Due to high rainfall.
- Land submerged due to flood.
Also Read: Advantages of irrigation system
Effects of waterlogging
- It decreases the production of the land.
- Difficulty in cultivation works.
- Unnecessary grass/weeds grow in the land.
- increase the cases of malaria in waterlogged places.
- decrease the temperature of the as a result bacterial activity is decreased and so does productivity.
- Land converted in salinity (salty land) due to waterlogging.
Preventive measure of waterlogging:
1) By reducing the intensity of irrigation.
2) By providing a drainage system.
3) By improving pre-existing or natural drainage.
4) By optimum use of water.
5) By crop rotation method.
6) By effective sub-surface drainage system.
7) By adaptation of lift irrigation or sprinkle irrigation methods at those areas where possibility of waterlogging is high.
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