Electricity – Production, Transmission, and Distribution in Modern Society.

Electricity is the term of energy and with the development of civilization, necessity and importance of energy increased. Among different forms of energy, electricity is one of the basic and fundamental forms of energy that has been an invincible part of our modern society.

And now at the present time, electricity cannot be taken out separately from the list of our basic needs.

Is Electricity Is Our Basic Need?

There are lots of things to show off the importance of urban areas. But where we are living in rural areas might not visually find much usage of electricity. But there is. Whatever we find around us form toothbrush, toothpaste, shoes, books, food, clothes, furniture, etc. everything is the part of the industrialization of which electricity is the first priority.

Similarly, electricity has lots of importance in our daily life too. In the morning, to get up we set up an alarm on our mobile phone or portable watch.

If it is winter we use the heater and in summer, we need a fan to cool ourselves, and when the sun is about to set we need to light our home, and the gadgets like mobile phones, watch and laptops, all need electricity to run. In the absence of electricity, they will run out of battery. If we keep our step out of our home, the vehicles use electricity.

If we are in the office, we need electricity to use or a computer, photocopy machine, etc. And we move from village to city areas, when people get up they use an electric toothbrush, water heater to take shower, vacuum cleaner to clean their room and washing machines to wash their clothes, and so far from smallest to largest scale industries all need electricity to start and keep running.

As a conclusion, in today’s modern world, our life becomes inoperable without electricity and since it is the basic thing for other developments like communication, transportation, industrialization, education, health, etc. It is the fundamental infrastructure of development.

Source of electrical energy

Sources of energy are divided into two different parts from which electricity can be generated.

Thermal (Heat emitting) Thermal (Heat emitting)
Coal, Nuclear fission,          Solar, tidal
Geothermal (Heat of Earth)       Wind, Hydropower

Production of Electricity

Generally, electricity is generated by hydropower. In this system, the water of the river is collected in a dam in order to filter the water and give it potential so that it can be systematically used for the generation of electricity.

  • Water collected in a dam is then allowed to flow at high speed to the turbines.
  • The kinetic energy of the water makes the turbines rotate.
  • Then the mechanical energy is converted into electrical by generators connected to the turbines.
  • And the generated electrical power is collected in the national grid.
  • The national grid is the storehouse of the country’s hydropower energy.

Transmission of Electricity

Electricity Station

The hydropower energy stored in the National Grid is then transmitted by the high tension line. A high tension line carries a very high voltage of electrical energy. The three lines of high tension transmission are called Blue line, Yellow line, and Redline. Electricity cannot be used directly from a high tension line for the general-purpose since this contains a very high voltage of current.

Distribution of Electricity

Since electricity cannot be distributed high tension lines for normal purposes. Step-down transformers shall be in distribution areas to distribute the electricity for normal use. The step-down transformer converts high voltage current to lower potential thus used to convert high tension transmission to low voltage phase and neutral line and finally distributed for home and office use.

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