Last September, Apple launched the iPhone 11 series of smartphones in an event. There are three iPhones in the series – iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max. People love the recently launched iPhone 11 Series smartphones. More than the company and critics expectation the newly iPhone 11 got a more positive response from the customer. So, Apple planned to increase production by 10%.
The price may be one of the reasons for the high demand for iPhone 11 in the market. The price of the iPhone 11 is lower than the iPhone 10. It was for the first time ever in the history of Apple that its successive smartphone has a lower price than the old model. That’s why most peoples are attracted to the newly launched iPhone 11 series.
With the increase in market demand, now Apple is going to produce 8 Million units of iPhone 11 series.
Also Read: Top 10 smartphone companies in the global market 2019
All iPhone 11 series
For More Detail Visit: Apple